Volume 97,   №4


A method has been developed to calculate a squared-off cascade with an arbitrary number of external fl ows by varying the cuts of partial fl ows of the stages and minimizing the deviations of the calculated feed fl ows of the stages from specifi ed fl ows. To minimize the deviations of the fl ows, a honeybee-colony algorithm ensuring a required accuracy in determining the parameters of the cascade was used. Based on a computational experiment on separation of molybdenum hexafl uoride, the high effi ciency of the method for concentrating isotopes with an extreme mass number has been shown.
A method has been developed to calculate a squared-off cascade with an arbitrary number of external fl ows by varying the cuts of partial fl ows of the stages and minimizing the deviations of the calculated feed fl ows of the stages from specifi ed fl ows. To minimize the deviations of the fl ows, a honeybee-colony algorithm ensuring a required accuracy in determining the parameters of the cascade was used. Based on a computational experiment on separation of molybdenum hexafl uoride, the high effi ciency of the method for concentrating isotopes with an extreme mass number has been shown.

Author:  V. A. Palkin
Keywords:  separation of isotopes, squared-off cascade, gas centrifuge, molybdenum isotopes
Page:  823-829

V. A. Palkin .  CALCULATING A SQUARED-OFF CASCADE BY THE METHOD OF VARIATION OF PARTIAL-FLOW CUTS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №4. P. 823-829.

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