Volume 97,   №4


A technique has been proposed for measuring the contact angle of plastics, which makes it possible to determine the degree of wettability of their surface, on the basis of which assumptions can be made about the applicability of surfactants as wetting agents in the process of fl otation separation of a mixture of plastics. The eff ect of aqueous solutions of surfactants on the contact angle and effi ciency of fl otation separation of a mixture of polybutelene terephthalate and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene was studied. The wettability of the surface of these plastics with aqueous solutions of sodium laureth-3 sulfosuccinate, sodium lauryl sarcosinate, polysorbate 80, and C8-C14 alkyl polyglucoside with a concentration of 2∙10–3–0.01 g/dm3 was determined. It has been found that the wettability of the surface of plastics with aqueous solutions of surfactants and the effi ciency of fl oation separation of a mixture of plastics depend on the type of surfactants and their concentration in the aqueous solution. K
A technique has been proposed for measuring the contact angle of plastics, which makes it possible to determine the degree of wettability of their surface, on the basis of which assumptions can be made about the applicability of surfactants as wetting agents in the process of fl otation separation of a mixture of plastics. The eff ect of aqueous solutions of surfactants on the contact angle and effi ciency of fl otation separation of a mixture of polybutelene terephthalate and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene was studied. The wettability of the surface of these plastics with aqueous solutions of sodium laureth-3 sulfosuccinate, sodium lauryl sarcosinate, polysorbate 80, and C8-C14 alkyl polyglucoside with a concentration of 2∙10–3–0.01 g/dm3 was determined. It has been found that the wettability of the surface of plastics with aqueous solutions of surfactants and the effi ciency of fl oation separation of a mixture of plastics depend on the type of surfactants and their concentration in the aqueous solution. K

Author:  A. A. Kovaleva, P. S. Kulevets, A. É. Levdanskii
Keywords:  plastics, sorting, fl otation, contact angle, surfactants
Page:  877-884

A. A. Kovaleva, P. S. Kulevets, A. É. Levdanskii.  INFLUENCE OF SURFACTANTS ON CONTACT ANGLE AND FLOTATION SEPARATION OF POLYBUTYLENE TEREPHTHALATE AND ACRYLONITRIL BUTADIENE STYRENE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №4. P. 877-884.

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