Volume 97,   №4


It is proposed to determine the main parameters of the structure of fl ows in objects by velocity profi le without taking response curves using the indicator method in heat and mass transfer apparatuses and reactors. A formula is derived for calculating the variance (central moment of the second order) and the fl ow structure function for a half-open vessel. An algorithm is also proposed for calculating the average residence time, the Peclet number of longitudinal diff usion for a one-parameter diff usion model, the number of cells and the diff erential response function of a combined model with a sequential connection of ideal displacement and mixing zones for a cell model. Moreover, calculation of the distribution density of the diff erential and integral response curves corresponding to a given velocity profi le is provided.
It is proposed to determine the main parameters of the structure of fl ows in objects by velocity profi le without taking response curves using the indicator method in heat and mass transfer apparatuses and reactors. A formula is derived for calculating the variance (central moment of the second order) and the fl ow structure function for a half-open vessel. An algorithm is also proposed for calculating the average residence time, the Peclet number of longitudinal diff usion for a one-parameter diff usion model, the number of cells and the diff erential response function of a combined model with a sequential connection of ideal displacement and mixing zones for a cell model. Moreover, calculation of the distribution density of the diff erential and integral response curves corresponding to a given velocity profi le is provided.

Author:  A. B. Golovanchikov, K. V. Cherikova, N. A. Prokhorenko, N. A. Merentsov
Keywords:  fl ow structure, velocity profi le, response curve variance, average residence time, Peclet number of longitudinal diff usion, number of cells, distribution density, diff erential and integral response functions
Page:  1027- 1033

A. B. Golovanchikov, K. V. Cherikova, N. A. Prokhorenko, N. A. Merentsov .  SIMULATION OF FLOW STRUCTURE BY VELOCITY PROFILE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №4. P. 1027- 1033.

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