UDC 634.222.2 + 662.7

N. N. Smirnov, V. F. Nikitin, and Yu. G. Phylippov The existence of supersonic second combustion mode - detonation - discovered by Mallard and Le Chatelier and by Bertelot and Vieille in 1881 posed the question of mechanisms for transition from one mode to the other. In the period 1959-1969 experiments by Salamandra, Soloukhin, Openheim, and their co-workers provided insights into this complicated phenomenon. Since then, among all the phenomena relative to combustion processes deflagration to detonation transition is, undoubtedly, the most intriguing one. Deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) in gases is relative to gas and vapor explosion safety issues. Knowing mechanisms of detonation onset control is of major importance for creating effective mitigation measures addressing the two major goals: to prevent the DDT in case of mixture ignition, or to arrest the detonation wave in case it was initiated. The new impetus to the increase of interest in deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) processes was given by the recent development of pulse detonation devices. The probable application of these principles to creating the new generation of engines put the problem of pulse detonating devices effectiveness on top of current research needs. The effectiveness of the pulse detonation cycle turned to be the key factor characterizing the Pulse Detonation Engine (PDE), which operation modes were shown to be closely related to periodical onset and degeneration of a detonation wave. Those unsteady-state regimes should be self-sustained to guarantee a reliable operation of devices using the detonation mode of burning fuels as a constitutive part of their working cycle. Thus deflagration to detonation transition processes are of major importance for the issue. Minimizing the predetonation length and ensuring stability of the onset of detonation enable to increase effectiveness of PDE. The DDT turned to be the key factor characterizing the PDE operating cycle. Thus, the problem of DDT control in gaseous fuel-air mixtures became very acute. The paper contains the results of theoretical and experimental investigations of DDT processes in combustible gaseous mixtures. In particular, the paper investigates the effect of cavities incorporated in detonation tubes on the onset of detonation in gases. Extensive numerical modeling and simulations allowed studying peculiarities of deflagration to detonation transition in gases in tubes incorporating cavities of a wider cross-section. The presence of cavities essentially affects the combustion modes being established in the device and its dependence on the governing parameters of the problem. The influence of geometrical characteristics of the confinement and flow turbulization on the onset of detonation and the influence of temperature and fuel concentration in the unburned mixture are discussed. It was demonstrated both experimentally and theoretically that the presence of cavities of a wider cross-section in the ignition part of the tube promotes DDT and shortens the predetonation length. At the same time cavities incorporated along the whole length or in the far end section inhibit detonation and bring to the onset of low velocity galloping detonation or galloping combustion modes. The presence of cavities in the ignition section turns the increase of initial mixture temperature into the DDT promoting factor instead of the DDT inhibiting factor. Keywords: deflagration, detonation, shock waves, combustion, flame, transition, onset. Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow M. V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia; e-mail: ebifsun1@mech.math.msu.su. Original article submitted May 19, 2010.